Schools & Churches


Macleay Island has a primary school, prep-school and a day care centre for small children. It also has an after school service. Telephone numbers for these are listed below.

Macleay Island Primary School. Phone 3400 8333.

Macleay Island Pre Primary. Phone 3400 8314.

State Schools Parents & Citizens Phone 3400 8333. Meets second Tuesday every month at 3pm.

Macleay Island Playgroup for children 0-5 years. Thursdays at Macleay Island Community Hall (except school holidays) from 9.00 - 11.00am. First visit is free and every visit afterwards costs $2 each week to attend. Please bring a piece of fruit for your child, a hat and a water bottle. For further information please phone Playgroup Queensland on 1800 171 882

Bay Island Early Learning and Care
Phone 3409 4433 Email: [email protected]
Licensed and CCB approved childcare facility. Long Day Care for 15 months to 5 years. Before and After School and Vacation Programs to 12 years.
6am to 6pm Mon-Fri (excl. Public Holidays). Free courtesy bus to/from ferry terminal. Ph: 3409 4433

Curlew Cove Youth Centre
Phone 0404 830 671 or contact Bay Island Early Learning & Care 3 Curlew Street
After school service for children 5 - 12 years. Collected from school and cared for until 6.00pm. Vacation Care from 6am - 6pm in school holidays


There are many places of worship on the island and even a marriage celebrant, should you suddenly pop that all important question.

Holy Advent Anglican Church Services are held every Sunday at 4.15pm. Cnr Scott St and Michael St. For more information, contact Elaine on 3409 4246

Holy Spirit Catholic Church Mass is held at 8am every Sunday, Cnr Scott St and Michael St. Contact Father Jim Brown 3409 4814. Phone 0409 639 247

Macleay Island Community Church hold a Communion Service and Word every Sunday at 900am at the Macleay Island Community Centre. All are welcome. Phone Graeme on 0408 770 001

Marriage Celebrants
Clive Berrick 3409 1032
Diana Hassett - 0450 688 494
Fred Brogden - 3409 2238
Lynette Davidson - 3409 1196 - 3409 5078
Anne Dyer - Registered Celebrant - 0400 384 670
