Community Organisations

Scene from “The Confounded Nugget” a Macleay Entertainment Group production

Bay Islands Chamber of Commerce (Inc)
President: Colin McInnes - 0408 872 570
Secretary - Debbie Wilson
Treasurer - John Riley - 0412 784 103
The Bay Islands Chamber of Commerce is the ‘voice’ for the Bay Islands business community - working to protect, support and nurture business over the Bay Islands. As the islands business representative body, the Chamber advocates on behalf of all forms of business - small, medium and large - ensuring all business have a say on the issues that impact upon the economic viability of business and the region as a whole.

Lions Services Club
President: Sue Pietraszkiewicz, mobile: 0468 415 241
Secretary: Elaine Ward, mobile: 0417 504 450
Membership: Yvonne Powers, mobile: 0421 821 859
Garage Sales Coordinator: Wally Crook, mobile: 0411 639 812
Club meets for business meetings at the Blue Care Shack every second Wednesday of the month at 7pm. Members only. Club meets for social dinner meetings every fourth Wednesday of the month at The Blue Parrot Restaurant or other island venues. Visitors and prospective new members are always welcome. Visitors should check venue with Secretary.
Lions Club Garage Sale - 1st Saturday of every second month. February - April - June - August - October - December

Macleay Island Library
Part of the Progress Association Complex on Russell Terrace.
Phone: 3409 4243

Macleay Island Progress Association
For more information, ring the Secretary, John Parsons on 0405 310 704 or email

Macleay Island RSL Sub Branch
Based at the Macleay Island Bowls Club.
Phone: 3409 5474

Running Wild - Youth Conservation Culture
Building and conserving youth culture on the Southern Moreton Bay Islands.
Phone: 0407555878
Visit Running Wild Facebook

RKLM Heritage Group
Whilst the Heritage Group is currently defunct, their books and information are available from the Macleay Island Library. A series of small booklets on the history of the Bay Islands are available from Joanna Hackett,the author …(more)

The Southern Moreton Bay Islands Museum is located on Russell Island at 55 Jackson Road. It is a 40 minute walk from the jetty via a concrete footpath and is housed in a shed behind the Bay Islands Community Services Inc. It is open every Friday morning and at other times by phoning Brendan 3409 1451. The SMBI Museum is a branch of the Redland Museum in Cleveland
Phone: 0414 383 047

Airport Transfers
Bay-Air Transfers.
Phone: 0422 691 971.
Airport and cruise terminal transfers and shuttle bus.

Waste Transfer Station
Open Saturday - Wednesday 8am - 4pm

Bay Island Bloomers
A social group for people over 55.
Meetings are held on the fourth Friday of the month on Macleay Island. 9.30 - 1.30
Time: 10am - 12.00.
Phone: 3409 5576 for more information .

Injured Wildlife
3833 4031 for Redlands wildlife rescue.

Justices of the Peace and Notaries
Merle Bowden (JP) - 3409 4801
Lynda Hill (JP) - 0413 192 656
John Norris (JP) - phone 3409 5251
Lil Threadgate (CD) - 3409 5959
Brian Sutton (CD) - 3409 4364
Ted Upton (CD) - 3409 5441

Post Office
Shop 2, 36 Southsea Terrace. Phone/Fax 3409 5959

Phone 0418 734 741

Veterinary Services
Southsea Terrace. Phone 3409 4962 or 0408 768 510
Office Hours: Tuesday 8am - 4pm, Saturday 8am - midday
Emergencies only - 040 777 1330
